Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A thing of the past.

When I started researching the history of infertility, I started looking for a history of women who struggled with infertility and to my surprise it wasn’t as easy as the stories that are in the bible. So I have decided that instead of talking about the stories of women I am going to share some of the information I found about the early treatments that were used before modern medicine came around.

It was really interesting because between the years 200 AD and the early 1700’s there really isn’t any history at all about infertility. From what I can tell most women felt that it was either a curse from the gods or they were was a medical problem. Unfortunately, more were of the first opinion rather than the latter.

For the most of history herbs have been used to help cure infertility. “Chinese herbs have a long history of use in aiding fertility. Records indicating herbal treatment of infertility and miscarriage date back to 200 A.D., including mention of formulas that are still used for those purposes today…” (http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/herbs-to-assist-natural-pregnancy-2548630.html)

It is curious to note that as long as there have been women having difficulties conceiving, there have been people trying to solve the problem. Whether it be through Chinese herbs, prayer to the gods of fertility, dancing, or by other means; all have the same goal to find a way to become pregnant.

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