Saturday, January 22, 2011

A plan that is not my own

Thank you for following me for one more week and I want to let you guys know how much I appreciate knowing that you all are out there supporting me! To let you know a little bit about my week, Monday, well you know how that day went; both Tuesday and Wednesday were much better with the baby issues but my days at work weren’t the best. I have been having major struggles with my boss at work. I really enjoy the fact that I get to help people better their lives with education but there are times when I wonder if it is really worth all the grief I have to go through with my boss.

After a long day at work, I went to an activity the church was putting on about depression. I thought that it would be some good research and good information. Well, while I did get good info, I left feeling like I was a depressed individual. By Friday I just felt like the world was crashing down on me and Satan was mocking my pain.

I will be completely honest when I say that I have found a new resolve. I was at the point where I didn’t know what to next and after my husband’s comfort; I knew I needed comfort from a higher being. Through prayer and the power of the priesthood, I was able to feel the wonderful comfort of my father in heaven. I know that he loves me, that he understands what I am going through, and that he has a plan for me that is much better than my own.

I found a quote that I feel is very fitting for this post and something that I will have to continue to work on probably the rest of my life, but I am excited for the challenge. “Sometimes we need to let go of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” Joseph Conrad.

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