Friday, August 12, 2011

Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Some people are very good at articulating there words and feelings in writing where others may be better at being more verbal. This post is for those who don’t feel they have very strong writing skills or for those who just flat out don’t like to write.

Video Journaling is really becoming an alternative way of keeping a journal. With all the technology that we have out there, this method of journaling can be as simple as picking up your phone and taking a quick video. This can be done anytime and really anywhere. Some people may want to make it a lot more elaborate by setting up a station just for this video journal. Meaning they can set up a back drop with a chair and have a camera on a tripod.

When it comes to video journaling the biggest thing is to be yourself and have fun with it. You never know what can come from a heartfelt video, years down the road. Also don’t forget to make copies and back up your videos. It is amazing what can be lost when the computer crashes.

(For those of you in Young Women’s, this could be a really fun mutual activity. If you have access to a camcorder, you could film the girls individually and have them explain their life, what’s going on in it and what they hope to accomplish in the next few years. You could also take a video of the whole group and then give it to them on a person disk.)

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