Saturday, May 21, 2011

Stick and stones

Remember when you were younger when kids would make fun of you and your mom would tell the cute little saying, sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you? Well as we have gotten older the insults and the hurting words have become a lot more clever. Even like it was when we were children, these words can cause as much emotional damage as sticks and stones can physically: if we allow them to.

One of the wonderful things about this life is that we have an amazing power! What is that power you may ask? It is the power of choice. We can choose to let things bother us or we can choose to let things go. It is in our power to live happy or let others steal our happiness. Let’s choose to be happy by dealing with what people will say to us, learning from it, and then moving on. We have much bigger problems to focus on then the insincerities of others.

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