Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Friends are amazing! There is something to be said for girlfriends and I think that every woman needs at least one girlfriend. We love our men but as women there are some things that we just understand about each other. Know who you can talk to; know which friends will bring you up when you are down and which ones to go to for advice.

There may be some of your friends that may not understand what you are going though. I think when it comes to that situation, helping educate them about the situation can help both parties. It can help them understand what is going on and peace can be found through educating. This gives you a chance for you to share with them and it is there choice whether or not they want to understand.

The best thing about girlfriends is that they who you can turn to when you need some time to get your mind off of everything. Make time for girl time, go shopping, get a pedicure or just spend time talking. This is a way to let some stress go and let the healing begin. 

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