Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hard but totally worth it!

Starting a support group is not an easy task! It involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a chance to help others. The first support group that I attended was run by a very dear friend, Ella (name has been changed) who had struggled with infertility for over 4 years at that time. I was still in the first year of trying to conceive and was very nervous to let others know that something was wrong.

Ella was amazing! She wanted to let anyone in the ward who wanted to come to know about the group, so she announced that the meeting would be held at her apartment. Because of her candidness, I was able to receive the healing and help that I needed at that time in my life. I was also able to see how the lord helps give us what we need by sending magnificent people into our lives when we need them most. Because of this group I made friends that have made an impact that will affect me for the rest of my life.

If you are not ready to start your own group, I would highly encourage you look for a group to join. This decision will make a lasting impression on your life.

If you are ready to start your own group, go for it! It will be difficult at first but it will completely be worth the effort!

If you are in need a little extra help getting you group started, this link gives a bit of support for getting your group started.

Good luck with your support groups and don’t forget to have a box of Kleenex and plenty of chocolate!

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