Monday, May 16, 2011

In the church

In the church there is an unwritten code of how things should be done. Women should graduate high school, go to one year of college, where they meet there spouse, who has just returned from a mission and they are married before the next school year starts. Then after one year of marriage, the wife gets pregnant, quits school and stays home to raise the child, while the husband finishes school and provides for their family.

As we all know, this isn’t what always happens. As a couple keeps on adding years to how long they have been married, the questions may get stronger and stronger from those in your ward. It may go from, “Do you guys have kids?” to “When are you guys going to start having to children?” to “Are you putting off having children to focus on your career?”, and then to “You are not following the counsel of the prophets by putting off your family!”

These questions and comments can be very hurtful when having children is all that you want to do! Most of the time these questions come because of a lack of knowledge and these people don’t really know what they are saying and if they do know what they are saying, shame on them. Don’t stoop to their level and say something you will regret.

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