Sunday, March 6, 2011

Knowelege is Power

Right now I am marveling at how quickly time goes by and at all the things that I have learned since we started our journey of adding a child to our family 5 years ago. When we started trying to have children I was 20 years old and had been married for 6 months. I had stopped taking birth control and started taking prenatal vitamins. At the time, I figured that within a few months we would be pregnant and life would be perfect.

Shortly after we started trying I went down to the school library and checked out every book that they had about pregnancy and spent hours poring over those books. A few of those hours probably should have been better spent on homework but at that time it wasn’t my focus. I wanted to be prepared for pregnancy and wanted to know what to expect. My education at that time wasn’t as much of a priority.

Poor Robert! He heard and so sweetly listened to my findings and crazy ideas. I was a little obsessed about finding out everything I could and I even started collecting baby items for this future child. Little did I know at the time that those items would sit in a box and eventually be given away. All in all there were many of the benefits of all the research I had done. It gave me ideas of how to prepare for not only pregnancy but also for the journey towards fertility.

Knowledge is power and by preparing for infertility it helps lay a foundation from which problems can be solved and to be measured from.

Picture taken from: microsoft clip art.

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