Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A womans natural desire

They say that secondary infertility can be just a lonely of a road or even more lonely then primary infertility. This is because those who cannot get pregnant again, have a child in their home to love and care for where those with primary infertility could only hope for that child.

Whether we have primary or secondary infertility the goal is still the same… we want to add a child to our family. When a couple has the desire to add another child, when aunt flow comes, it is devastating no matter what stage of infertility you are in.

We as women have an inner desire to be mothers, to care for our children and to yearn/love those children that are not in our families yet. It doesn’t matter if that woman has no children or 15 children, if there is that desire to have another baby, the pain is the same.

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