Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Now by this point you may be wondering how this fits into infertility and our lives as women because we can still pray, we are not required to bear heavy burdens placed on us by an evil king and we are not being threatened with losing our lives for practicing our religion. Although our burdens are not the same as the people of Alma, it does not make them any lighter.

Our trials, although different, still bear the burden of pain, fear, and can be quite oppressing at times. These feelings can be felt every time when Aunt Flow visits, it can take all the streangth in us to continue on after having a miscarriage or a still birth. At times it may feel that that burdens that has been placed on your shoulders is too great to carry and the thought of having to take one more step forward is unfathomable. It is at those times of great despair, when we must look to a higher power, one who understands and knows our pain.

After Amulon decreed that the people were not to pray, there were two options the people had. They could fold under the pressures of man and forget their lord or they could still pray but just in a different way. “And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the lord their God, but did pour out their hearts to him; and he did know the thoughts of their hearts.” (Mosiah 24:12). The people of Alma put their faith in the lord and in his teachings. They did not know for a fact that they were going to make it out of this trial but they knew if they put their faith in the lord, his plan for them would ultimately be better than their own plan.

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