Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What and how much do I say?

Once you have your job, who do you tell that you are trying to conceive? Do you tell anyone at all? This is a bit of a touchy subject because only you know how comfortable you are with telling people that you are trying to have a baby.

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Get to know your coworkers before you tell them. See if they are family friendly or if they will look down at you for wanting to have children.

Tell those that you trust. Only letting a few know that you are trying to have a baby may allow you to discuss what is going on in your life without the fear of retribution.

Don’t tell anyone. This may be hard but if you are afraid that people may judge you or that it may jeopardize your advancement possibilities, it is best to keep it to yourself. You legally cannot be turned down for a promotion because you could possibly get pregnant but if your employer know about your situation, they may let that cloud there judgment.

Be vague when answering questions. This allows you to be in control of your information. Prepare for some of those questions so you know how you can comfortably answer them. Most of the time people are satisfied with a vague answer. If they keep pushing, try to change the focus to them versus you.

Let the world know everything. This option is not for faint of heart but if you feel that you are up to the challenge then let them know what is going on.

However you decide to handle your coworkers go forward with confidence because you are no less of a person because you have the righteous desire to be a parent. Parenting is noble and great!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you put out options--sometimes people honestly don't think they have any! We ALWAYS have a choice--in every matter! :) Thanks for the reminder that we have unlimited agency, even when we feel we don't! :)
