Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Creating New Dreams

We all hope that this infertility journey ends in having a beautiful healthy baby to hold in our arms and call our own. While this may be the case, the journey to get there will probably look different then we had first imagined.

I know for Robert and I, our dream included getting pregnant within 2-4 month of when we started trying to have a baby and then 9 months later we would be parents. Well after that 4 months turned into a year and the year turned in to 5 years, we decided that our dream needed to change a little.

Rather than spend our money on IVF, which for us was a very risky and dangerous procedure, we decided to take our energies and focus them in a new direction. We came to understand that we didn’t need to have biological children to grow our family but that we wanted to be parents even if that meant raising those not born from my womb.

Our dream of having our own biological children needed to change to make room in our hearts and in our minds for our children to come into our home through adoption.

Although your journey may end exactly how you planed it, understand that sometime you have to be open to a way that was not originally planned. It takes time but with that time will emerge a more patient and refined soul.

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