Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The queen hormone

Estrogen is the queen of the hormones for women and as such it can play havoc on a woman’s body if it the estrogen levels are not correct.

Estrogen can be “found in both men and women, though it is found in significantly higher levels in females because of its role in female reproductive health. The hormone is produced within fat tissue, adrenal glands, as well as the ovaries. The term "estrogen" includes related compounds such as estradiol, estriol, and estrone.”

Estrogen is very significant to a woman and not just in the reproductive area but this hormone actually effects a woman her whole life. This paragraph taken from ehow.com talks about the significance of Estrogen:

“While men produce estrogen as well, its role in men's health has not been determined. Estrogen aids in the preparation of reproductive organs in women for conception and pregnancy. Specifically, estrogen is responsible for the development and growth of sexual characteristics that distinguish females from males, such as larger breasts. Not only is this hormone found in humans, but animals also produce estrogen as an integral part of their reproductive system. Estrogen circulates within the bloodstream, binding to estrogen receptors on targeted tissue cells in women. This not only affects the breasts but also women's bones, brain, heart and liver. The hormone also controls the growth of uterine lining and regulates metabolic processes such as bone growth and cholesterol levels.”

(Read more: What Is the Purpose of Estrogen?
eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5065531_purpose-estrogen.html#ixzz1ElLW3goG)

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