Saturday, September 24, 2011

The pros and the cons


1)      Great option for those with tubal and sperm mobility issues. Since IVF bypasses the tubes, this allows women who have tubal issues to be able create an environment where the sperm and eggs can actually meet up. Also since the sperm are placed in the same dish as the eggs, there is no need for them to fight against the hazards of the woman’s reproductive organs. For both situations it eliminates those harmful conditions and places them on very fertile grounds.

2)      Gives women an opportunity to be pregnant. Even 20 years ago, a woman who was faced with infertility had two options, adopt or go childless. IVF gives couples the chance to have their own biological children and to experience being pregnant.

1)      Cost. IVF is very expensive and can range anywhere from $5,000 to 15,000 plus. The range is so big because each couple may need something different and with each difference come diverse price tag.

2)      It’s an intensive process. Not only can it be physically draining but it also very emotionally taxing. By taking the hormones, this can result in several bruises at the injection site, the chance of over stimulation, and lots of mood swings.

3)      No guarantee. There is no guarantee that IVF will even result in a pregnancy or even a live birth. This table from Shows the ranges for success on a national level:

Percentage of fresh, non-donor cycles resulting in live birth in 2008:

Younger than 35

4)      There are health risks. Like any medical procedure, you will want to discuss all of the health risks that are associate with you situation with your doctor.

The biggest thing to remember with IVF is that this is a big decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Take time to talk it over as a couple and research as much as you can about your doctor, their success rates, and the procedure. Most of all make it a matter of prayer because this is not a decision that should be made alone.

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